9pm Routine

9pm Routine

The 9 p.m. Routine was created in 2017 by the Pasco County Sheriff's Office in Florida and has since spread to police forces across the United States and Canada. It encourages residents to protect themselves and their loved ones from becoming victims of crime by locking and securing their homes and vehicles every night at 9 p.m. The initiative also encourages people to lead by example and share through social media that they have completed the routine using the hashtag #9PMRoutine.

The 9 p.m. Routine has a few simple steps:

1.    Remove keys, wallets, cash, garage door openers and other valuables from vehicles.
2.    Ensure vehicle and home windows are shut (and locked, if possible).
3.    Close and lock doors on vehicles and homes.
4.    Close overhead garage doors.
5.    Turn on outside lights.