How do I get a temporary restraining order?

  • Contact the Family Part of the Superior Court in your county Monday through Friday (8:30am to 3:30pm).
  • On the weekends, holidays, and after 3:30pm, Monday through Friday, you can request a Temporary Restraining Order from the Municipal Court in your area. Requests are done through your State or local Police Department.
  • To receive information about contacting a court for a Temporary Restraining Order, call your State or local Police Department, or call the Statewide Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-572-SAFE (7233).
  • Within 10 days of the Temporary Restraining Order, the court will schedule a hearing. Both you and your abuser will have a chance to testify. The judge will consider both testimonies before issuing a Final Restraining Order.